Photo of Claremont Club & Spa in Berkeley, California

Berkeley And The Beaches

From, a luxury hotel in Berkeley and hotels in South Florida

A couple of times each week our TopHotelBrands hotel information site features some new and useful information on the home page. Today’s update includes a 5-star hotel in Berkeley, California and a guide to hotels between popular south Florida communities.

The Claremont Club & Spa is a Fairmont hotel located at the foot of the hills on the west side of Berkeley. It’s about a mile southeast of the Cal-Berkeley campus.

Meanwhile, for those visiting the opposite coast, TopHotelBrands includes guides to places to stay between not-too-far-apart cities, such as hotels between Miami and West Palm Beach. This 70-mile stretch of the Atlantic coast includes popular destinations like Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton and Boynton Beach.